Medical Certificate for Traveling abroad
As you know, many flights have been canceled all over the world due to pandemic of COVID-19 virus.
However it is so, there are some people need to take a flight with their own reasosns. It might their work it also might need to back to their home countries.
For those people, we would like to inform you about the Medical Certificate for Traveling abroad.
First of all, you should confirm about the latest information to the comsulate or embassy whrere you are going to. Even if some countries still have flight and allow people to get in, they might require to submit your medical certificate upon the arrival of the country.
It depends on the country, what kind of test you need to proof, what kind of symptoms do you need to proof that you do not have and when you how many hours ahead of the flight do you need to get it.
As of now, April 8th, the person who dose not have any symptoms cannot have PCR test of COVID-19 in Japan.
Therefore, we cannot provide the certificate that you are negative of COVID-19.
On the other hand, It is possible to issue the certificate at our clinic, the person with good health, she/he is not suffering from any symptoms such as fever, sore throat and cough etc. So the person is FTF.
Feel free to ask us anytime if you need more information.
We wish all people stay safe and be healthy!