If you think you are infected by COVID-19
COVID 19 spread in Japan. In fact, according to the news media, number of infections COVID 19[....]
these days hot-topic, CoronaVirus
インターナショナル ヘルスケア クリニック 医師 鷲尾美香です。 今回は、巷でかなり話題になっているコロナウィルスについて、少しお話しをしたいと思います。 コロナウィルスは風邪の原因となるウィル[....]
【Information of medication in stock at our clinic!】
We have some medications at our clinic such as antibiotics, pain killers, IV fluid etc.… Do you hav[....]
Influenza Warning
Please be advice to careful about Influenza especially if you travel abroad. There are many reports[....]
We provide the morning-after pill at our clinic.
We have some stocks of morning-after pill at our clinic. As you know, there are many countries that [....]