International Health Care Clinic

International Health Care Clinic





On the article from BBC NEWS on October 25, 2017 and from the Time Magazine on October 27, 2017, it warns about using Opioid in the United States and Canada.  The Opioid, such as narcotic analgesic or the synthetic pain-killer concerned with the opioid, is used as pain killer, and it uses for the pain during and after operation, the pain due to injury, the pain due to cancer, labor pains, and chronic pain.  As for usage, there are oral, a suppository, medical application, an injection. The side effect has constipation, feeling like vomiting, vomiting, a feeling of itch, anuria, sleepiness, respiratory depression.  The respiratory depression is a serious side effect, but it won’t have happened if you use it appropriately.

By the way, according to Time Magazine, President Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency on October 26, 2017.  In 2016, 64,070 Americans die by an excessive intake of the opioid and increase more than approximately 10,000 people in comparison with 52,898 people of 2015 in one year.  The details of death by using opioid, 837 people which is 9% of total number of death by using opioid are for committing suicide that means they take excessive dose of opioid intentionally and make poisoning by themselves.

In addition, 2,533 people are died by as identified and 35 people are by the external cause.  Rest of people are the cause of the excessive intake by the accident.

On the other hand, according to the site of BBC news, for every one of 1 million of Americans, almost 50,000 tablets of opioid are taken every day.  The number is 4 times higher than in the U.K.  The article also explains reasons why Americans take more opioid than other countries.  The main reason is cause of insurance system in the United States.  Different from other countries, the government does not cover medical fee.  Most insurance company are unwilling to pay medical bill except a pill.  Because of this, doctors prescribe medicine a lot.

Then how about in Japan. According to Health Press, people are not easy to access opioid because the opioid pain-killer is hardly sold for an over-the-counter drug and need doctor’s prescription.  However, people may easy to get opioid from the site, so people want strong painkilling action by taking overdose drug.  As the case of opioid, people may lose their lives because of taking overdose of drugs.  For avoiding the situation, it is important people keep taking certain amount of drug that doctors ordered.